Quizno’s Commercials

this cat‘s got mad skills. 

due to my somewhat-beneficial designer ADD, i changed the main banner. it will probably happen every few weeks. i hate everything i design after about ten minutes, so it’s really inevitable. (maybe one day i’ll have them all posted on the ARTWRK™ photo page that i’m working on in the spare time. or maybe not. but hopefully it’ll be a place to post some more-than-occasional pics, some design work, and some etc. mainly some etc.)

this is completely unrelated…then again, after you watch these new quizno’s subs commericals, you’ll realize that nothing is related to these things, and no matter how witty and robustly intelligent i might (or might not) be, no one could really make a concise and merited transition from one topic to these commercials. hysterical, random, weird…all the things memorable commericals should be. i particularly heart “take a buck off.” (by the way, you’ll need flash 6 to watch the clips)