Random Thoughts

elbow deep in design work today. but that’s a fantastic thing, because i love it… i love it good. i’m working on a new set of desktop wallpapers for the work site, which should be up by next week. i might even manage some ‘tops for here too. would you like that? you hate your computer’s desktop right now, don’t you? admit it… you have an ugly computer. no need to feel insecure about it. we can fix it.

i’m very excited about painting the town red (why red?) on friday with this gig in clemson. playing is fun, but to be honest i’m just looking forward to hanging out with MCD and will gibbs. hilarity will ensue. fun times… on the horizon.

oh, yeah… did i mention i’m getting $1600 back on my tax return? somebody’s getting another mac to put at his house, and i’m not giving you any chances to guess who. it is a beautiful day here… and all the world is right. (that is, unless you’re this guy. ouch. and by “ouch” i mean “oh my dang.”)

and since i know you’ve always thought “you know, the exorcist is a fine film, but i often wonder what it would be like condensed to 30 seconds and reenacted by bunnies”… the power of Christ compels you to click here.