Good morning…

I love the weekend. I would date the weekend if it wasn’t an inanimate declaration of a specific amount of time. I spent most of the beloved weekend reading and sleeping and napping. (Punctuated by my landlord deciding that this would be the PERFECT weekend to start scraping all the trim outside so he can repaint. I enjoy waking up to that outside my bedroom window… three feet from where my sleepyhead was nestled… RRRRRkah, RRRRRkah, RRRRRkah, RRRRRkah. Truly soothing… like hedgehogs in heat have set up a local bar right outside your house.)

Mcd and Candice rescued me from the torment with dinner and a movie on Saturday. We saw In Good Company… a worthwhile way to spend $7. Thank you for your kindness, my friends.