Vegas Abridged
Hello faithful YourCreativityDollarsAtWork readers… everyone wants to charge you for the internet here. Everyone except the airport. Thank God for the airport. I doubt i’ve gone this long without internet access in months. That’s really quite sad. Nonetheless… this time, I had literally forgotten that I had redesigned the site before I left… it was like this pleasant surprise when I looked at my own site. It took me a second to realize I had actually made it.
Vegas: The Abridged Version… six people and a load of video gear stayed at The Aladdin and interviewed lots of people on the strip. I took about 1500 pictures, 900 or so of which were keepers. The customer service here is absolutely AMAZING. The church could take some amazing cues from fabulous Las Vegas. The Bellagio (that’s Terry Benedict’s place) is the classiest hotel i’ve ever been in. So incredibly creative and beautiful… every detail is thought out and borderline perfect. More later, when I have a chance to decompress a bit.
Pictures soon.