Athens Pictures
A few weekends ago Lanna and I kidnapped Karl for her birthday. We had arranged to meet with a seamstress/clothing designer/firecracker-of-a-Filipino little lady near Athens, Ga who was going to sit down with Karl (and the sketches that Lanna and I had come up with) and design her a swanky, original rock-n-roll dress. She’s way into The Fashion these days, so it seemed like a completely logical surprise birthday choice. We spent the rest of the day wandering around downtown Athens, eating Mellow Mushroom pizza, shopping at oh-so-vintage stores, buying cool stuff, laughing, doing Mad Libs, and, of course, taking lots of pictures.
An amazingly fun day… and a welcome rest in the midst of some tough weeks for me. My friends are great. Do you have friends? If you don’t… you should totally look into it.