All My Friends Are Going To Be Famous
Seriously… they’re all Turn-The-World-Upsidedown-ers. Just watch it happen. And I certainly make it a high priority to do my best to help them in those endeavors, in whatever small ways I can. You should help your friends become sucessful. It tells them that you love them. Get started loving your friends into success now.
On that note, there’s an interview with my friend and pastor Perry Noble on Terry Storch‘s site in Terry’s “What’s Working For You?” interview series. As with most things Perry, it’s short, sweet, and to the point.
In other famous friend news, musical genius Lee McDerment and his band will be bringing the r&b funk thunder this Friday in Greenville at Carpenter’s Cellar at 8:30. The last show was standing room only, so i’d get there early to catch a seat… and me opening. Lee might have a dot com soon, if a certain lazy designer will get his stuff together and get it coded. I should take my own advice about loving my friends towards success, shouldn’t I?