Sleep Is Overrated

It’s 5:15am, the birds are starting to get their chirp on, i’m listening to the Tokyo String Quartet’s painfully restrained version of Barber’s Adagio, and I just finished another photo collage and added it to HRTWRK. Surprisingly enough, i’ll have work I completed for someone other than myself to add soon. I think i’ll go to bed now. While i’m sleeping, most of you will most likely be starting your Tuesday. Make it a good one. Enjoy as much of it as you can. Do something worthwhile.

I love you face. Or, if I don’t, it’s most likely because I don’t know you or you’ve given me a perfectly good reason not to. In such cases, I probably love your face anyway. It’s too much drama to hold grudges. 

I shouldn’t type on so little sleep.