Shameless Self-Promotion
I need to ask you a favor. That is, I need to ask some of you a favor. But I want to explain the why before I tell you the what. To those precious few wonderful people in internet land who have links to either this blog or to HRTWRK on your personal pages/blogs/etc… thank you. I love your face for sharing the love and deeming me a worthwhile visit.
In my new endeavor to be full-time designer/photographer guy, i’ve been spending inordinate amounts of time networking, getting my name “out there” and building relationships. In fact, i’ve been spending more time doing that than i’ve actually spent designing or photographing lately. It goes with the territory when you’re in start-up mode and I embrace it gladly, knowing that it’s part of the process of this journey. So the favor, the way that the aforementioned group of you with the links can help me in this endeavor and thereby further solidify your place in my heart (NOT that our relationship is built on works… we’re all about unconditional love, right?) is a simple matter of semantics.
Building a business, especially one of the contracted solo artist variety, includes an odd combination of skill, divine intervention, personal determination, hustle, networking, and good old fashioned luck. Part of the process for me right now is cementing a personal/professional brand that is recognizable to the public. The name is important. So, for you linkers, whether you want to link to the blog or to the main page, I humbly ask that you would change whatever variety of link title you have (anything from “Shua” to the few folks who just won’t let go of “artwrk” or “Your Creativty Dollars At Work”) to a simple, heartfelt, all caps:
For this favor… I pray you will be blessed immensely. Many thank yous.