You Need The Bad Days
Unfortuantely I know I have to put weight behind days that don’t go my way. I know that they’re important… I know that I have much to learn from them if I stop being such a childish, prideful brat. Of course KNOWING that and actually living in it are very different states of mind.
I think my tendency is to look at circumstances that I don’t want and say, “Days like today are the exception…” when, in reality, for the majority of people who are breathing right now, what we call bad days are more normal than we like to admit. I don’t like it when i’m faced with how hard life is sometimes. I have nothing to complain about in terms of my place in the world, but it’s not the external struggle that weighs so heavy on me most of the time. Bad days have everything to do with my heart, with being confronted with my depravity and my ensuing dependency on Christ to do ANYTHING. I’m not getting my way. I’m not getting what I want. I’m not the belle of the ball.
I think i’m thankful for that. At least on the good days I am.
By the way, I figure if I can’t change the world today, at least I can change the blog design. I also put up a new piece on HRTWRK that I did tonight. Can you sense a theme? I’m just glad to be feeling anything at this point, even if the overriding feeling is dependence.