Happy Birthday To Me

I turn 26 today. I have a favor to ask you.

I know all of you are heartbroken that you can’t be here to help me celebrate today. It’s tough on you, i’m certain of it. But dry your eyes, faithful blog reader, there is a solution! (And an exclamation mark, just so you know i’m not playing around here). While I know there are a variety of gifts that you’ve been perusing in malls, online stores, and local deli meat counters while searching for the “just right” present for yours truly, i’m here to tell you I can make it easy on you. 

All I want for my birthday is a new Canon camera.

In the wake of my resignation from New Spring and my launch into the ridiculously inconsistent world of a bottom-rung freelance designer, i’ve managed to gather most of the necessities like a functioning vehicle, a new Mac, a printer, and a good secretary (in the form of my Treo) completely debt-free. The missing piece of the puzzle (the piece that puts the “photography” in the oh-so-catchy HRTWRK is Design and Photography”) is a pro-level digital SLR camera. Lee has been kind enough to lend me his little Canon Powershot in the interim, which has eased my suffering and kept me from going crazy while sans real camera, but it’s certainly a temporary remedy and doesn’t do much for my ensuing professional photography excursions.

This is where you, the camera, my birthday, and Paypal collide, my friends. Paypal is great, so if you don’t have an account, this is the perfect opportunity to sign up. If you feel so inclined (whether out of sympathy, pity, unmerited grace, sheer obligation, guilt, because you think i’m hot, because you think i’m not, because you think I take pretty pictures, any motive will do really, i’m not picky) click the graphic with the little camera at the top of the page and wish me a happy birthday in a way that says, “Hey Joshua, this one’s on me.” Think about when i’m a household name and you can say, “Yeah, I helped him buy that camera. I’m freaking AWESOME.”

Thank you. And I promise I won’t bother you again about this. The little camera graphic will just haunt you every time you visit until I have a real one.