I Tamed A Wild Beast Today

Ok, not really. But I did go horseback riding on a relatively harmless, small-ish colt named Cocoa. 

Context is as follows: Karla and I took our friend Lanna up to North Carolina today for a birthday surprise that included lunch with Martin Luther King, Jr. in an Asheville park, getting semi-lost in the foothills of NC, visiting Sandy [something cute that i’ve forgotten] Trails for a 2-hour trailride through some absolutely breathtaking hills and valleys with our exuberant wrangler Marty, getting caught in a torrential downpour halfway through it, loving every second of trotting through the mud and the rain even though by that point we all had pools of water forming in the spaces between strands of our DNA, getting our money refunded (bonus!) even though we had a blast, sitting on trashbags and driving to the Biltmore Mall to buy dry clothing (seriously), me sitting in the car in my boxers and t-shirt while the girls (who at least had tops to change into) went shopping and bought me jeans that didn’t weigh 80lbs and stick to my legs like Peter Parker, dinner at the Tiajuana Junction Mexican Restaurant (life-sized matadors painted on the bathroom walls, kids), and a stop by a very old covered wooden bridge at a long-since fallen grist mill north of Greenville.

Not a bad way to spend a Friday or a birthday. Pictures will be up on are up on my Flickr page soon now.