Take A Deep Breath

There’s been a bit of a relaxing lull over the past few days. It certainly feels like the quiet before the storm, although the storm in this case is both welcomed and wonderful. 

As nearly as I can remember without the aid of my Treo/secretary, starting with tomorrow’s workday, I have six websites, three editorial illustrations, a 20-page catalog, 10 t-shirts, a few stickers and buttons, four photo shoots, and three complete identity packages to crank out in the coming months (weeks). In addition to that, my roommate Lee is buying a house (fingers crossed, he closes this Thursday), which means we’ll be moving sometime in the next two weeks. Moving has all sorts of advantages like consuming your time, making you sweat profusely, making you wish you were dead, etc. It will also mean that i’ll have some internet downtime in the transition, which severly lacks merit, work-wise. However, those are just tiny details in the grand scheme of things.

The big picture looks more like this: after launching HRTWRK and spending the last three months as a fulltime freelance designer, I begin my first project for a national client tomorrow. I also have a lunch meeting with another client, who, in addition to all her various professional endeavors, has a shot at being on The Apprentice in ’06. I am, to put it mildly, officially in over my head. 

And it’s great. It feels right and surprisingly normal. Let’s go!