Vertical Horizon

The brothers McDerment and I got the pleasure of seeing Vertical Horizon last night at The Handlebar of all places. A bit of a tiny venue choice considering they’re playing at The Irving Plaza in NYC on Friday and Saturday. NOT that i’m complaining. Great show, fun sing-along time, and huge guitar sounds (Matt Scanell is one of the best players for combining all-out freakishness and tone while still managing to sing spot-on). 

The only negative of the evening would be the unfortunate absence of drummer Ed Toth, who’s playing for The Doobie Brothers now. His VH replacement held it down, but was nothing amazingly impressive like Toth was/is. Sad. He’ll be missed. He might as well be dead to me now, because there’s no way you’ll ever catch me at a Doobie Brothers show.

Despite my crowd-positioning and serious lack of good gear or good lighting, I took a few photos anyway. Hit up my Flickr page to enjoy that.