Don’t Call It A Comeback

I’ve lived here for years. And ladies love the SC. But ladies love The ‘Nooga, too. And so do I. What just happened?

I’m back in the Carolinas as of about 30 minutes ago. The Smokey Mountains did not disappoint this morning, as they were both mountainous and smokalicious. Miles Davis kept me company for most of the trip back, and I assure you, Miles NEVER disappoints. (Or fails to soothe road rage. Say it with me, “left lane for fast people, right lane for SLOOOOOOW people.”)

While in The ‘Nooga I viewed a few apartments. A loft or two. I have one more to look at on Wednesday, and i’m fairly certain it is the chosen one, as it is called The Bread Factory Lofts. It’s more than I had planned to spend (and more square footage), but I figure it works for a few reasons:

1. Almost everything I looked at is hovering around $1 a square foot, this just happens to be bigger than what I was really looking for.

2. The neighborhood rules me. Dwell-Magazine-esque development is occuring all around the building.

3. Roof-top deck. Enclosed courtyard. Gated parking.

4. This is the first time in my life when I have the opportunity and financial means to live somewhere REALLY COOL. I don’t want to settle for something ordinary when I don’t have to. If this move is about taking a few chances and trying new things, I might as well not stop short of having the kind of living situation i’ve wanted since I was aware of these things called “homes.”

5. Bread. Factory. Destiny, I tell you. Destiny.

And now… my ridiculously wonderful friends are throwing me a going away party at the casa and I must party down.