Plans Are Overrated

Or at least made to be changed. I’m still in South Carolina. My mechanic was sick Monday and Tuesday, so getting my truck fixed has been a bit of a delayed issue. Today they assure me. In the mean time, i’m mostly packed and ready to go and enjoying things I didn’t plan on (like getting to go to Target with my sister last night and having lunch today with the fam.)

I’m glad i’m not too Type A, or my planning woes might actually negatively affect me. (And that being said, i’m glad i’m enough of a planner that I gave myself a few extra days of no planning, just in case something went wrong during my attempts to move myself and everything I own to another state.)

By the way, is it fall yet? Packing up my clothes over the past few days has forced me to look at my autumn wardrobe and it just looks so lonely and under-appreciated. I feel bad.