Good Things Come…

…to those who are forced to wait on people who are lazy and don’t have to actually do their jobs. i.e. After four weeks in the Nooga, I finally have an apartment. Or, at least, I have a verbal agreement pending my application and the current tenant finishing out her (hopefully truncated) 30 day notice. But hey, that’s cause for celebration.

So, details… i’ll be living at The Robert E. Lee (I kid you not, it’s right beside The Lincoln) at the corner of 4th and High Street downtown. It’s only a few blocks from the Bluff View Art District, the Hunter Museum, loads of restaurants, the Tennessee Aquarium, IMAX 3D, and about 15,000 parking spaces that I don’t have to pay for because I get my own.

My apartment is right at 750 square feet (which is much bigger than anything else i’ve looked at around town) and has hardwood floors, 9ft. celings, good radiators, lots of windows, a dining room, a kitchen you can actually fit more than one human in at a time, and two entry doors. The building itself is pretty classy, too.

And once I get moved in, I have a fairly massive to-do list labeled Things To Do Once You Have An Address. Well worth the wait.