Here’s What’s Happening
Back in September I announced my intentions to start an online storefront to sell things like photography prints, posters, greeting cards, t-shirts, etc. I gave myself a late November deadline. I obviously missed it.
It wasn’t exactly intentional. I got this new job and moved to this new town and life’s been a little hectic. In addition to those decently valid excuses, there’s been a few thoughts running around in my head about how to deal with personal branding and this domain and with my design portfolio HRTWRK, especially in light of the other things I spend my time doing (alternating between personally and professionally) like photography and painting, and to a lesser extent poetry and music. Confused yet? Me too. My online life is feeling really chaotic and all over the place. I need some simplicity.
So here’s the deal: the new plan is to make this site homebase. And I mean homebase for everything. It just makes the most sense. In my head, i’m envisioning some variety of central splashpage with subpages for Blog, Work, Photography, Painting, etc. The options are fairly open to do anything I decide to be interested in at the time. (Not that such things EVER happen.) That settles this domain, and a solid (easy to market) personal brand. One business card, one email address, one domain. Simplicity at its best.
So what to do with these other domains? There’s no real need for HRTWRK to be a design portfolio anymore because i’ll want to move that over to this domain and a Work subpage. Additionally, there’s no need for me to do freelance design work (the little of it i’m doing these days) under an alias or studio name. But HRTWRK is a viable brand with a good mark and decently established identity… it would be a shame to waste it. I think i’ll make it an online storefront. Why not? HRTWRK sounds like a great brand name for the various creative goods I want to make and sell.
And that leaves Prom Night Fist Fight, which is already well on its way to becoming a playground for me to randomly post weird animated gifs. Check in there as often as you want, I have a pretty substantial library of oddities to post on there.
I think I feel better about everything now, and i’ll simply avoid mentioning a deadline for all of this to save myself the drama of missing it. Let’s say “eventually” to be on the safe side. Thanks for visiting, listening, reading, being curious, etc. I really do appreciate it.