God, I Love My Friends

Last night was a wonderful treat. Lee came through Nooga on his way back from Passion ’06 in Nashville and stopped for dinner with Ragan and I. What followed was Tony’s Pasta House (and one of the best steaks i’ve had in months), great conversation, and then a stop by Big River Brewing Company for desert, tasty beverages, and more great conversation. I admit that I massively dig the fact that all of these festivities occurred within four blocks of my apartment.

It was wonderful to catch up on life and just TALK with people who you care about and who care about you. I know it’s so cheesy and cliched, but that doesn’t negate the truth of it. Things only become cliched because there’s such an element of truth in them. I love my friends, and I will enjoy watching them change the world in their own unique ways.

P.S. The Mojito at Big River is like lime-flavored candy in a glass.