
Here’s what I need: I dig this North Carolina band called Dag who broke up in ’99 or so. They put out two enjoyable albums of funkish redneck R&B called Righteous and Apartment #635 (the former of which was punctuated with massive amounts of Audley Freed guitar solo goodness.) I miss them.

That being said, the opening track on Apartment #635 is a fun little tune called Our Love Would Be Much Better (If I Gave A Damn About You) and unfortunately, my mp3 of said song cuts off at about 1:22 in a flurry of cd skipping. I’m pretty sure i’ve lost the actual album or it is packed away in the bottom of a box in the bottom of a closet. 

Now, I could remedy this situation by simply purchasing the song from the iTunes Music Store, but where’s the fun in spending a buck for a song I already own? This is where testing the power of internet connectivity comes in. Anybody got the song? I’ll give you a treat of some variety if you can help me out. Pretty please?