Things Going On Currently/Soonly

Tonight begins the Whiskerino Throwdown which is a fancy way of saying that something like 80 bearded fellas (and their beard-appreciating family/friends) will be converging on Nashville for fun, frivolity, picture-taking, dedicated fun-having, food and drink, and other like-minded activities. While I am fully aware that such a massive gathering of bearded men will look quite odd to the outside world, I look forward to it immensely.

I’m playing a bit of music tonight at the Throwdown (along with lowercase collective, Belize, and Codaphonic) and I haven’t played a show in something like 8 MONTHS. Should be interesting. I have some new songs. I have some old songs. I have a guitar. I’M A STAR.

After much trash talking about how much I hate it, how much it sucks, blah, blah, blah, I may have finally come around (sold my soul to the devil) and embraced this MySpace craze. Granted, it took finding a long lost friend from the early college days to make me think “Hm… this site may have merit after all,” but nonetheless… i’m in. And if i’m going to be in, you can bet I at least spent some time last night making myself at home. I’m not going to ask you to be my friends, because I admittedly deny friend requests from people I don’t know. For now. I think everyone caves in eventually.

I have some paintings up online at for your perusal. I have more that I need to either photograph or finish, so it’ll start getting more content soon. Speaking of painting…

I’ll have 5 paintings in a gallery show on March 18th. You can see more information on the show here. It’s a benefit show and all the proceeds will go towards the rehab of Elizabeth Michelle Mitchell, who was involved in a life-threatening vehicle accident and is still in recovery. Michelle is a friend of a friend and her medical bills are going to be pretty extreme, so… benefit show. Check the site for more info and if you’re an artist, please consider donating something to the show. Thanks!

I have way too much to accomplish between now and when i’m supposed to leave for Nashville. Ain’t that the way it always goes?