Heterosexual Man Crushes: Volume 3
Ze Frank – the single best video blog interweb netsite you’ll find. I am not prone to be tempted by the fruit of another, but if said fruit belonged to Ze, I might consider it. He’s that funny.
Daler Mehndi – to say that Daler is “just another punjabi pop singer” is to do a great disservice to the gloriousness that is Tunak Tunak Tun. That video is pure joy. (As is this video of white people with no rythym dancing to the song at a wedding.)
Michael Eades – the man who brought you (me, us) Whiskerino and Moustache May, and also has some spare time to run a very fine personal site and do great work for very fine web design firm.
Lee McDerment – crafter of tasty tunes, ex-roommate, amazing friend, complete and total dork. Love you, mean it.
Joshua Smith – one of my favorite illustrators, who is also turning into a great art director from the looks of things. Massive future, couldn’t happen to a nicer or more deserving guy.
Hillman Curtis – fresh take on video editing and documentary.
Dave Chapelle – because he’s Dave Chapelle. Also, because Block Party was entertaining, poignant, and wonderfully put together. And my favorite thing I’ve seen in the theater this year.
Edward James Olmos – because I consumed two seasons of the new Battlestar Galactica series in less than 11 days. And, because he was Gaff in Blade Runner. And, because that’s a MEAN ‘stache he can sport.
(In case you missed them or need a refresher course in heterosexual man crushing, here’s Volume 1 and Volume 2.)