Goodbye Nooga, Temporary Unemployment, and Welcome to the Big D

Wheeeeeee! Ok, here goes:

After approximately 10 months in the aptly named “Scenic City” of Chattanooga, Tn, I’m packing my bags, uprooting myself, and heading 800 miles in the general direction of Dallas, Tx this weekend. Today is my last official day in the office at Tubatomic Studio and it’s been a wonderful few months working alongside the talented folks here. 

When I was brought on, I immediately (read: before I even got to town, actually) plunged into the deep-end of creating the visual world of the cre824 Webdesign International Festival. Under The Tub’s art direction I got the pleasure of putting together a complete identity package for the festival including print materials, banners, attendee name badges, t-shirts, posters, promo fliers, and lots of other things I’m probably forgetting. And then I got to photograph the entire event. I loved seeing it all come together and visually telling the story that web design doesn’t have to be so stale and technical – it can be fluid, organic, engaging, and – dare I say it – beautiful.

In the time since cre824, I’ve been able to work on all sorts of projects (web-based and offline) for clients and peers (massive fun working with the amazing team at Armchair Media on a few gigs.) In short, this has been exactly the kind of studio learning experience that I began looking for about a year ago.

The pull to Dallas is completely personal (not professional), but leaving regularly scheduled gainful employment places me squarely in the path of so much potential to try new things, learn even more, and further dive into collaborating with likeminded people on projects and big ideas. I’ll be launching a new portfolio soon (thanks to M.A. Turner), and putting myself out there in Dallas (and elsewhere) to see where I might fit in the best. If you have any Dallas leads or contacts, or just interesting people you think I need to meet, please don’t hesitate to send me an email. I make a good lunch date.

Thanks for coming along on the next little step of the journey. I’m excited.

Update: I got a few emails asking, so, yes, I will still be doing work for The cre824 Group in a freelance capacity as we prepare for cre824 2007. Exciting stuff is on the way. Go be our friend on MySpace to keep up with the juicy details.