Oh, the Silence is Deafening

I have this sort of over-reaching work ethic (thanks, Mom and Dad) that leaves me feeling fairly lazy if I haven’t accomplished five or six major tasks in a day. This obviously extends to the care and keeping of this blog, and I feel bad if I haven’t posted 5 or 6 things a day. It’s my cross to bear. That being said, things have been a little quieter around here lately due to a few things. 

1. New city, job, life, wife, etc. I’ve been having a blast exploring Boston with my wife and generally settling into life here. I love the energy of the city, and the Autumn weather right now makes me smile down in my special places.

2. Most of my days at Virb Inc. have been spent getting a new project ready for launch, and it is oh-so-close. More on that in a few days. 

3. I’m 90% done with a new design of this blog, one that I am very happy with and is hopefully even more readable, typographically delicious, and in keeping with the grid and style system I’ve been slowly implementing on the various subpages here. WordPress is a harsh mistress, but I think we’ve reached an understanding of sorts.

4. Choosing to do “one last big freelance web project” is a very bad idea, much akin to carrer thieves deciding they need to do “one last score.” We’ve all seen enough heist movies to know how that works out.