Welcome Adam Spooner to the NewSpring Team

Back in October I wrote a post about building a team that’s better than you and said, “For [my team at NewSpring Church] to accomplish great things, I have to make an intentional, concerted effort to not be the smartest guy in the room.” 

I’m happy to share with you a major step in that direction. Detail-oriented, good-taste-having, wicked smart Web Developer Adam Spooner will be leaving the grand isle of Manhattan to join our team at NewSpring this summer. You can get to know Adam via his blog Lead Neophyte or by following him on Twitter. I trust you will benefit from doing so.

NewSpring launched a rebrand and a new site 10 months ago to coincide with the opening of our second campus. Since then, we’ve opened two more campuses (one completely web-based) and seen our overall web traffic double, downloadable media bandwidth triple, and video streaming bandwidth almost quadruple. And let me assure you, internet, we have been over my head and talent capacity in regards to web development and all that it entails for every bit of that time. 

But that season is coming to a swift end. We’re about to do some damage.