bbbbrands, Watch (and Help) Us Build the Brand Loyalists Dream Site

My name is Joshua Blankenship, and I am a brand loyalist. A connoisseur of highly functional, beautiful things. Bags, jeans, toothbrushes, water bottles, pens, whiskey, guitar strings, and so on and so forth. If a thing is worth having, it’s worth having the best of it (that you can wisely afford.) And if there is a category of thing, I likely have an opinion on where to find the best of it. 

So when my left coast friend Noah Stokes asked if I would be interested in collaborating on a site for like-minded brand loyalists, I jumped at the chance to handle design and branding. And when he started throwing out ideas about sharing our process for the project with our respective readers while we were still in the process, I got even more excited.

And so we begin humbly with the easy part: a name, a URL, a logo and a loose tagline to help serve as a mission while we start putting our money where our (collective) mouth is. 

Noah has a great write-up on the beginnings of this idea here. If you don’t already, subscribe to Noah’s RSS Feed and my RSS feed to stay up to date on bbbbrands, and be sure to follow @bbbbrands on Twitter for other updates.